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Make A Gift - Donate

In an effort to educate as many people as possible about the wonders, uniqueness, beauty, and importance of karst landscapes, the WKU Karst Field Studies (KFS) program tries to keep course costs as low as possible for participants. In fact, the program operates at near cost, with all revenue invested back into the program to cover expenses for low enrollment courses, create new course opportunities, enhance existing educational resources, and offer course fee and travel scholarships for participants. If you are able, we encourage you to donate to the program so we many maintain out low course costs and continue to offer one-of-a-kind karst education experiences. All donations are welcome and will be invested 100% into the Karst Field Studies program operations and scholarships. Please contact Dr. Leslie North at for more information on how you may donate directly to the program through WKU Philanthropy. 100% of all donations will go directly to the KFS program and are tax deductible.

2016 Cave ecology participants
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